
Are you looking for support for a team at a hospital, organization or other group of educators?

Our Educator Team Support is exactly what you need!

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Feeling stuck for ideas? Unsure what steps to take next? Confused by the technology details of teaching online?

We’re here to help!

Virtual Consult

If you are struggling to make your classes interactive, we can help with a 1-hour one-on-one consultation with Sharon or Mallory. Here’s how it works!

  • Shortly after submitting the basic information below, you will receive an introductory email with a scheduling link

  • Choose your time, pay the consultation fee of $100, and complete the intake form to get your one-on-one meeting on the books.

  • Sharon and Mallory will review the info you submitted and come up with some creative ideas for revamping your classes and a variety of ways you can boost your confidence as you prepare.

  • Hop on Zoom and work directly with Mallory or Sharon to answer your questions, troubleshoot any sticky spots, and create concrete next steps for your work.

  • Stay in touch after your consultation to let us know how things are working or if there is anything else we can help you with!

Cost: $100


VIP Virtual Package

If you are new to teaching and overwhelmed with mapping out your first class, or you have been teaching for decades and don’t know where to begin making your tried-and-true teaching methods work online, we can help!

  • Initial Meeting - 1 hour to plan, set goals and determine your exact needs

  • Mallory & Sharon create a plan, observe one of your classes, and get you started strong

  • 2nd meeting - 2 hours to review our recommendations, set a timeline, work together and keep things moving

  • Mallory & Sharon pull together any tools or activities that you need while you do the work of putting your changes in place

  • 3rd meeting - 2 hours to set your final to-do list, answer questions, ensure you are on the way to success

  • Optional: run through your new activities with Sharon & Mallory to test everything out

Cost: $2,000